Holmansbridge Turkeys

a seasonal tradition

fantastic and fresh

Bronze Turkeys

free range

no growth promoting additives

Free Range Turkeys

Things will be a little different for Christmas 2024.

In order to ensure that we can continue to rear quality turkeys in a great environment; we have decided that our ageing turkey sheds are in need of a little TLC.

Unfortunately, with the weather having been so awful, we haven't been able to schedule this work until later this summer.
Of course birds and builders in the same space wouldn't be a great mix. So we've had to make the sad decision to break with tradition. This summer there will only be builders in our sheds.
We appreciate that this will disappoint our loyal and wonderful customers. We can only apologise and assure you that we will still be selling Turkeys this Christmas, just not our own.

We will endeavour to source some great, free-range, top quality oven ready birds for your Christmas festivities.

If you wish to discuss this with us, please don't hesitate to reach-out to any one of the team.


Tue. - Fri. 9am to 4pm
Sat. 9am to 5pm
Sun. 10am to 4pm
Mon. Closed

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Find them here!